
5 things to consider when buying a home

5 things to consider when buying a home


Check out the amenities of the neighborhoods you are interested in prior to viewing homes AND most importantly try out the commute to work/school AT rush hour.

Nothing brings on buyers’ remorse more than sitting in traffic every day.




If you are buying in the summer, consider what the light in the home will be like in the winter/fall.

Is there enough room for your family to play/live, when the doors are closed and the garden is unusable.

Often winter/fall is a great time to buy. Not only are those who participate in real estate at those times more serious (willing to do the work in the cold). It's a great time to see a home and notice how it does in the wet/cold. You're more likely to see any leaks, drafts, or major problems that could be concealed in the warmer months.  


Sweat equity

Home improvement projects have been romanticized by HGTV and the like. And I encourage clients to take on small projects to increase their equity when able.

ut I encourage buyers to not take on more than they can chew. Do not buy a property with major structural issues, safety issues or that could have a varying cost for repairs. Yay for home inspections!

Instead look for move-in ready homes, that are in good shape, but maybe have outdated features/could use a personal touch. Ex: usable kitchens/bathrooms that need new cabinets, appliances that can be changed out over time.

Also, we are all busy, consider if you have the time to do these projects yourself or will need to hire a professional, budget accordingly prior to purchase.


What do you like to do when you are home?

Are you always in the kitchen?

Do you have friends and family constantly coming in and out of your home?

Do you have a large exotic reptile collection?

Is your home gym your pride and joy?  

When meeting with buyers I always ask them what happens in their home, because it can be a big determinate of what type of house they will be most happy in.

That mid-century modern you love so much might seem great, until you move in and realize the closed in kitchen is not functional for the constant party you have going on.

The house you loved in the summer, might be stressing you out come winter when you realize your large plant collection wont survive the amount of light coming through in the long Oregon winters.

Having a realtor who knows these aspects of your life and can remind you of them when touring homes is crucial.


When you walk in to the home of your dreams how do you want to feel?

Sometimes you walk in to a property, and it has everything you want in a home, yet, its just not right. Pay attention to that feeling and listen to it.

Buying a home is one of the biggest investments you will make in your life, you need to love that house.

I love when a client walks in to a home and immediately lights up, when the right one comes along you just know. When you work with me we hold all these factors in to account and don't stop searching until the love and excitement is felt.


Looking to buy a home or learn more about the process? Contact me today and we can have a no pressure chat.



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