
Making your home buying dreams a reality...

Making your home buying dreams a reality...

When you talk about your dream home, often the first question’s a realtor will ask you are the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, etc, but your dream home has a lot more to it than that right? 

To help you dig deeper, below are some questions to ask yourself, and those you may be buying with, to start dreaming and scheming your dream home. 


In your life have you seen a feature, a room, a style choice that someone had in their home that you have always obsessed over and wished was your own? Detail below what that was:

Close your eyes, when you think of your dream [kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, garden, etc] what does it look like? Write down your answers and get as detailed as possible. 

What activities do you plan to do in your new home? 

What can’t you do in your current living situation that you wished you had the ability to do? 

When you imagine your home-owning experience, do you imagine walking in and everything is “turn-key” and ready to go, or do you romanticize doing projects and personalizing the house to your liking? 

What projects would you like to tackle? What personal touches would you like to add to the home? 

In your neighborhood/community what factors are important to you? Do you want to know your neighbors closely/do you want privacy? Is it critical that you can walk to a coffee shop/brewery/restaurant?  

*Extra credit: look up the features/styles/ideas that you listed above on Pinterest or Unsplash and make a vision board of your ideal home.

When you get done with this project, I would love to see what you wrote down and created if you are comfortable sharing!!  

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