
Let's discuss the POSITIVES of high interest rates

Let's discuss the POSITIVES of high interest rates

Okay this might sound wild, but with everyone talking about the negatives of high interest rates, lets talk a bit about how there are some benefits to a shifting market due to high rates. 

Everyone is talking about it, interest rates have taken a huge jump recently and continue to go up. 

If you are a home buyer this is super frustrating. 

And same goes even for home sellers. 

But, don't believe everything you hear. The sky isn't falling and there are benefits to every market for both home buyers and home sellers. 

Here is what is actually happening in the Portland Oregon Real Estate Market.

Sellers who price their home right, prep the property to shine bright, and hire the right real estate team to market their home, are still selling, and often for a price they are happy with. 

It just comes down to patients and proper expectations. 

Plus, sellers benefit from working with buyers who are often more serious and committed to a home purchase, as buyers have more time to contemplate the purchase and are required to think more seriously about the financials before committing. 

For home buyers, because of the shift in the market, they are dealing with higher rates and therefor higher monthly payments and lower affordability.  

But there are a lot of benefits to this market as well. Buyers have time to shop for homes, have more and often relatively better homes available to them than say 6 months ago. AND they are able to do inspections, negotiate repairs and credits at a higher level.

Buying or selling a home can be overwhelming especially when you are hearing so much about it in the news right now. 

But luckily you don’t have to do it alone. 

We have step by step plans and guides for both home buyers and sellers. 

If you are looking to make a move, I am here for you! 

Portland Oregon Real Estate Market Update - October 2022

Portland Oregon Real Estate Market Update - October 2022

Portland Oregon Real Estate Market Update - September 2022

Portland Oregon Real Estate Market Update - September 2022