
From First Time Home Buyers Class to Home Ownership

From First Time Home Buyers Class to Home Ownership

When we met Rocio and Diego over on Instagram, they weren't sure how they were going to buy a home, but they knew they wanted to take the steps to do so.

They were able to come to one of our first-time home buyer classes, learn about the buying process, and within a few weeks were pre-approved for a home loan and out shopping for properties.

After looking at a good amount of homes, we were able to narrow down what they wanted and were able to find a home they loved!

They were able to achieve homeownership at the height of the real estate market which was not easy to do for anyone!

So I figured I would share a few strategies that aided in their success:

- Before stepping into a home, they did their homework.

They came to our first-time home buyer class ready to take notes and ask questions.

They worked with us to dial down their must-haves, wants, and no-gos in a home.

And got pre-approved for a home loan.

- During the home shopping process, they were able to quickly adapt to the changing market, were extremely receptive to advice, and were able to shift our strategy when needed.

- Once they got their offer accepted and we were under contract (yay!) they were able to keep a level head and take the transaction step by step.

Finding a home can seem challenging at times, but once you are under contract it can bring up a lot of emotions, but no worries, that is why we are here to guide you along the way!

Want to start your own successful road to homeownership? You are in luck! Join Beth Imhoff of Academy Mortgage and myself for our Home Buying like a Boss homebuyer class, on December 6th at 12:00 pm.

You can RSVP here: Click here

Can't make the class and want a copy of the replay? Contact us HERE and we can send that your way and or set up a time for a one-on-one meeting so you can have all the resources you need to be empowered in your home-buying journey.

Portland Oregon Real Estate Market Update - November 2022 

Portland Oregon Real Estate Market Update - November 2022 

Home Buying Like a Boss - a crash course in home buying

Home Buying Like a Boss - a crash course in home buying